Monday, April 5, 2010

tax season

Darlings, it's that dreadful time of the year again. It's tax season.

Last year when I went to do my taxes by myself for the first time, the tax lady started lecturing me about things in tax jargons that I didn't understand! It would be even worse this year because I freelance, which means I'm supposed to be in charge of my own bookkeeping and finances and stuff. I can't really be bothered.


The stress of hunting for scattered receipts and such
+ the stress of being lectured by complete mean strangers
the possibility of owing the government money

sorting out my own stuff due to lack of an employer

After months and weeks of burying my head in oblivion, I finally buckled down and did it online. It took me nine million years to figure things out, but I am done and I did it all by myself. I am a genius (well not really) !

And I don't owe anyone money.

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