Here's the thing about World Cup.
It has so many upsets and surprises that it throws all my predictions out the window. This happens every single day and at almost every single match (that I am able to catch, that is).
Let's talk Day 1. Really France, really? You couldn't afford to score one point? ONE LOUSY point? Why? We have Henry, Malouda, Ribery, Gourcuff and Anelka who are players of big clubs for Europe but they spewed out a lacklustered performance. You better do a good job tomorrow or else we're breaking up, France.
RANT STARTS HERE: Where is your cohesion, Le Bleus? WHERE?! Do you NOT remember tasting that close victory in 2006, hmm? How you guys made it all the way to the finals when everyone were scoffing at your inabilities? Didn't that feel good? Well do it again. AND YOU, Gourcuff, you were supposed to be the man of the hour but where were you when Anelka needed you? Braiding your gorgeous hair? Go show them some of the skills that we all know that you are capable of. France, you should give all your free kicks to Gourcuff because he is that good. I thought you should know. END.Now the Australian vs. Germany match. What can I say other than, Germany, you guys have my respect. You are by for the most outstanding team at the World Cup. I don't think any of the other teams got the memo that we're playing at an international level here. Australia, aren't you an OK team? Shouldn't you have mustered up something, ANYTHING? I was crying on your behalf watching you being mopped by the Germans.
Spain, please remember that you are the Euro Champion 2008. Try not to lose anymore, OK?
Italy, what is it about you? I really want to like you. I really do, but why are you guys such little turds on the field. Stop falling over and crying every single time you are near another player. I didn't know that being tapped on the foot will cause such a major outcry. In other words, stop diving!
Speaking of diving, what the heck was with that stupid red card today? Really, Uruguay makes an offside kick and topples over without barely being touched and South Africa gets red carded?! I am so angry. This the reason why I am writing the hugest rant of my life (well hugest post).
And then there are all the draws? WHAT THE HELL!? What is everyone doing? No more ties and score some points.
Now, for the best part of World Cup so far.My absolute FAVOURITEST game to watch was the one with Brazil and North Korea. Yes, North Korea is EVIL but it's not their fault - it's all that horrible little man KIM JONG IL. So after being disappointed time and time again watching these hoo-ha games, Brazil and NK finally demonstrated what a proper match ought to be like.
First of all, North Korea, you are so impressive - I love all your tactics, I love your footwork, I love your stealthiness, and I love your sportsmanship. Everyone predicted that you would dive left, right and center, but you didn't. I love how everyone got up right away instead of flailing on the field. I also LOVE the bromancy-ness and all the comradeship between the two teams. LOVE IT!
North Korea!Brazil! This is what I mean about bromance. So cute!